20,000 children in Tennessee are in need each year.
Someone has to be for the child.
Why not you?
Tennessee CASA has 31 local programs serving 59 counties across the state. We have over 1,600 CASA Volunteers serving over 4,800 children, but with an estimated 20,000 children in TN in need of a CASA, that means 15,000 are still in need. We can do more... with your help.
Each CASA program professionally trains and carefully screens volunteers to become Court Appointed Special Advocates for children who have experienced abuse and neglect in juvenile court. These volunteers represent the best interests of the child with the goal of securing a safe, permanent home.
All it takes to make an impact is a little time and a lot of heart. All it takes is being a CASA.
Meet Randy & Jen!
Randy advocates for children in Roberston County, TN. After suffering abuse and neglect, the Swanson brothers were given a voice and found a safe and loving home because of Randy and his advocacy. Check out the video to learn more.
Jen advocates for children in Williamson County. She advocated for Jayden and Anna who had experienced neglect at the hands of their mother who was severly addicted to drugs. Just when they thought they would never be a family again with their mother, their mother Kelsie changed for the better ultimately being reunited her girls. To hear more about their story, take a look below.
To submit a volunteer inquiry please click here.